11 August 2023

🌍🌱 Reducing our environmental footprint is a priority. In the coming year, Ad Hoc’s Green Committee is taking on a range of tangible actions:🌿 Optimized management of our waste;🌿 Encouragement of more eco-friendly modes of transportation and;🌿 Joint initiatives with GRAME to raise awareness about the importance of the environment. It is through a series of simple actions [...]

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3 August 2023

On the occasion of her 5th anniversary of employment at Ad hoc, Chanel Lariviere, Project Director, gives us this testimony: Looking back at the last 5 years at Ad hoc, I am particularly proud of my career path! Straight out of university in 2018, the research environment was brand new to me. The team members [...]

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29 July 2023

Laugh, feast and quench your thirst: Ad hoc was buzzing thanks to our colleague Nathalie Coursin, who shared his passion for beers and cheeses with us! A memorable tasting that stimulated our taste buds. Health to Nathalie, our goddess of flavors! #Adhocrecherche #RockOn #BièreEtFromage #DégustationAuBureau #team 

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20 July 2023

On the occasion of her 20th anniversary of employment at Ad hoc, Cathy Bourget, Managing Partner, gives us this testimony: After 20 years at Ad hoc, I feel proud and at the same time I can't believe it. I still remember my arrival lunch and the good advice of my sponsor, Cedrick Hached, who made sure [...]

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15 July 2023

Once again, the hidden talents of our team were revealed during a frenzied karaoke. The very high notes and the voices for the least "original" did not always manage to cover our laughter! Don't worry, no member of our team will be going from researcher to singer in the near future 😊! [...]

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