Products and services are increasingly focused in the way they are made and marketed to the potential client. Companies tend to their flock of fans – potential and loyal alike – by learning about all that makes them tick which, in turn, encourages the birth of über-fans. When a niche of über-fans is well tended to, a fascinating phenomenon can happen, where they start behaving like a hive-mind, regrouping like-wise thinkers who actively defend their modern fandom like zealots.

You may have heard of such groups and their accompanying rivalries; you may even be part of one: Mac vs. PC, Playstation vs. Xbox, Honda vs. Volkswagen, and the list goes on and on. The modern marketing war is no longer waged with TV ads saying Pepsi is better than Coke; it is now waged on social media with memes being thrown at each other’s Facebook walls and Twitter accounts. The level of engagement can range from simply liking everything that shines a positive light on a company to literally stalking the posts of rival brands to brag about how much their own side is better.

You may wonder at this point, why is the behaviour of über-fans so important?

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CATÉGORIES : Actualités
2 juin 2016

Sans contredit, les « Milleniaux », ces jeunes âgés entre 18 et 29 ans, constituent une clientèle prisée et parfois difficile à atteindre et à séduire. Du moins avec les moyens traditionnels. La société change, l’économie se transforme et ce segment de la population est un reflet, voire l’incarnation de ces changements.

Plusieurs de nos clients nous mandatent donc régulièrement pour réaliser des projets afin de mieux la comprendre et découvrir les leviers qui fonctionnent auprès de celle-ci. Permettez-nous de partager avec vous quelques-unes de nos trouvailles :

QUI sont-ils?

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CATÉGORIES : Actualités
17 mai 2016

L’un des principaux apprentissages de l’économie comportementale, cette science qui s’appuie sur les recherches du psychologue et récipiendaire du prix Nobel Daniel Kanheman, est l’importance de l’environnement et du contexte dans la prise de décisions. Pour engager un consommateur, il est primordial de communiquer le bon message. Mais il l’est tout autant de le communiquer au bon moment et au bon endroit. Les technologies de microlocalisation et de « geofencing » constituent des outils hors du commun pour atteindre cet objectif, et ce pour les quatre raisons suivantes :

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I’ll admit it – I have purse envy.  There’s nothing more frustrating than watching a group of 18-year olds strut the latest Louis or Longchamp.  The curious thing is that more and more of them do!  As a market researcher and avid people watcher, I can’t help but ask myself since when has luxury become […]

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CATÉGORIES : Actualités
19 avril 2016

My husband is a fabulous chef who loves meal planning and cooking. Producing a delicious unplanned weeknight meal for two in 20 minutes, appetizer included – he’s got it covered. Tonight’s dish requires some obscure ingredient – he has it on hand.

While I am one lucky lady, I remain fascinated by the relatively new meal options out there for those not married to an aspiring Ricardo. “Dinner-in-a-box” services like évoilà5 and Cook it are simple: you pre-order meals for the upcoming week, the required recipes and ingredients are then prepared for pick-up or delivered to your front door. No planning, no shopping, no boring meatloaf recipes, no food waste, no restaurant prices. Meal preparation is stripped down to the fun part: the actual cooking that enables you to serve healthy, tasty dishes to your loved ones. Brilliant!

The “you” is critical. Even if you could afford to eat out every night, or hire a personal chef, it wouldn’t be quite the same. There is immeasurable value in using one’s own hands and culinary skills to prepare meals for the family. It is one of modern society’s most significant demonstrations of caring, one we are unlikely to give up anytime soon. The thinking and grocery parts – I’ll “contract those out”. The right to feel “I have it together enough to cook this great meal, just for you” – no way I’ll contract that out on an ongoing basis.

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